Articles & Chapters
In Press
Vickery, M. (In Press). Integrating Critical Theories for More Just Embodied Pedagogies. In Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education: Vol. 8 (Bodies and Different Abilities). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Zhou, M., Vickery, M., & Danish., J.A. (Under Review). Goals in motion: How emergent embodied goals support mechanistic reasoning in collaborative modeling activities. Cognition and Instruction
Danish, J. A., Anton, G., Mathayas, N., Jen, T., Vickery, M., Lee, S., Tu, X., Cosic, L., Zhou, M., Ayalon, E., Steinberg, S., Enyedy, N., & Ryan, Z. (2022). Designing for Shifting Learning Activities. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 11(4).
Published Conference Proceedings
In Press
Danish, J.A., Mathayas, N., Zhou, M., Steinberg, S., & Vickery, M. (In Press). Character Based Models and Computational and Embodied Action Tweaking for Sensemaking. 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Buffalo, New York, USA.
Tancredi, S. & Vickery, M. (In Press). Learning for Every Body: Intersectional Dimensions of Embodied Learning (Symposium). 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Buffalo, New York, USA.
Tu., X, Danish, J.A., Ryan, Z., Vickery, M., Park Rogers, M., Hmelo-Silver, & C., Philips, A. (In Press). Teaching with Representations: How Teachers’ Perception Shift Their Science Teaching. 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Buffalo, New York, USA.
Vickery, M., Mathayas, N., & Danish, J.A. (In Press). Being Body-Conscious: A Trauma-Informed Inquiry into Elementary Students’ Collective Embodied Learning Experiences. 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Buffalo, New York, USA.
Vickery, M., Mathayas, N., Steinberg, S., & Humburg, M. (In Press). From reactive to proactive: Considering socio-affective experiences in inclusive embodied activity design. 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Buffalo, New York, USA.
Zhou, M., Mathayas, N., Danish, J., Vickery, M., Steinberg, S. (2024). Exploring Students’ Divergent Interpretations While Studying Ecosystems in an Embodied Mixed-reality Environment. A poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). (AERA SIG Learning Sciences and Advanced Technology for Learning Runners up for the Best Student Paper award)
Steinberg, S., Zhou, M., Vickery, M., Mathayas, N., & Danish, J. A. (2023). Making Sense of Modes in Collective Embodied Science Activities. Building Knowledge and Sustaining Our Community. 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Montreal.
Vickery, M. (2023). Re-mediating Collective Embodied Learning Activities to Overcome Barriers to Participation for Learners with Disabilities. Building Knowledge and Sustaining Our Community. 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Montreal.
Vickery, M. (2023). Who is Disabled? An Exploration of Production of Disabled Bodies in School Habitus. Building Knowledge and Sustaining Our Community. 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Montreal, Canada.
Vickery, M. & Mithun, S. (2023). Comparing Novice and Advanced Undergraduate Computing Students’ Engagement In Online Flipped Data Science Courses. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Mathayas, N., Danish, J., Tu, X., Zhou, M., & Vickery, M. (2022). Social positioning in collective embodied models in an elementary STEM classroom. International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices, 846–847.
Mathayas, N., Vogelstein, L., Danish, J., Lindberg, L., Marin, A., Kern, A., Orellana, M., Meixi, Dorr, S., Keefe, D., Diaz, V., Zohar, R., Tu, X., Cosic, L., Vickery, M., & Kelton, M. (2022). Moving toward dignity-affirming invitations to embodied participation in the design of learning environments. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan.
Vickery, M. (2022). Every Body Belongs: Principles for Inclusive Instruction in Embodied Learning Activities. International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices, 1744–1745.
Vickery, M., & Mithun, S. (2022). Novice versus Advanced Undergraduate Computing Students’ Engagement in Collaboration in an Online Flipped Classroom. International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices, 2072–2073.
Vickery, M., Zhou, M., & Danish, J. (2022). Mediated goal navigation in a mixed-reality embodied learning environment. International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices - CSCL Proceedings, 534–535.
Zhou, M., Vickery, M., & Danish, J. (2022). Mediating elementary students’ mechanistic reasoning in collective embodied modeling activities. International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices, 488–495.
Zhou, M., Vickery, M., Danish, J., Tu, X., & Ryan, Z. (2022). The Role of Body in Goal Negotiation and Adoption During a Collective Modeling Activity. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2022, San Jose, CA, USA.
Danish, J., Vickery, M., Duncan, R., Ryan, Z., Stiso, C., Zhou, J., Murphy, D., Hmelo-SIlver, C., & Chinn, C. (2021). Scientific Model Evaluation during a Gallery Walk. In E. de Vries, Y. Hod, & J. Ahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences—ICLS 2021 (Vol. 46, pp. 632–654).
Mithun, S., Vickery, M., & Luo, X. (2021). Evaluating Factors for Effective Flipped Classroom Instruction in an Advanced Data Management Course. Proceedings for the 2021 Frontiers in Education Conference, 9.
Murphy, D., Duncan, R. G., Chinn, C. A., Danish, J. A., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Ryan, Z., Vickery, M., & Stiso, C. (2021). Students’ Justifications for Epistemic Criteria for Good Scientific Models. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2021, 8.
Parr, E. D., Machaka, N., Dyer, E. B., Krist, C., Langer-Osuna, J., Chavez, R., Malamut, J., Kwon, F., Lange, K., Ramirez, J., Gargroetzi, E., Walkoe, J., Walton, M., Mathayas, N., Danish, J., Tu, X., Zhou, M., Vickery, M., Kelly, S., … Shim, S.-Y. (2021). Movement, Authority, and Knowledge: Examining the Relationships in Embodied and Social Positioning for STEM Learning (symposium). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2021, 8.
Vickery, M., Danish, J., Tu, X., & Zhou, M. (2021). Scientific Modeling Practices Through Perspective Taking in a Mixed Reality Embodied Learning Environment. In E. de Vries, Y. Hod, & J. Ahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences—ICLS 2021 (p. 4).
Moreland, M., Vickery, M., Ryan, Z., Danish, J., Hmelo-Silver, C., Murphy, D., Av-Shalom, N., Duncan, R. G., & Chinn, C. (2020). Representing Modeling Relationships in Systems: Student Use of Arrows. 2.
Practitioner-Oriented Publications
Vickery, M. (2023). Reconstructing Reality: How to Use Representations in Science Lessons. LearnabilityHQ.